
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Few General Approaches

Hi! Well, it's a busy week so far for me. I'd like to take the time to talk about how some things are going to be changing overall with my games, or why I have the current ones in place.

1. Manuals - [Change]

TRG - Demo H2P Menu
In the past I've made how to play menus for my games which have every little detail in them. This is most true with Tilly's Rose Garden games. But with the creation of the Blox demo I've come to terms that making manuals are much more ideal for the players. They'd rather look at an organized PDF than click around in complicated menus to find out something. Plus you can go right to what you

TRG - Points Sub Menu
want with the PDF instead of getting out of the game to look for a proper menu.

Blox Demo Manual
My Manuals will have all the things that are needed to make your game experience more pleasant, like points, what the enemies do and gameplay for the player themselves. Along with technical things like programs I used to create the game and proper credits for music and such. I was proud of the manual I created for Blox and it just feels that this would be a better option for the players.

Of course how to play the game will have a menu still for how to move the player and the basic object of the game, but there will be a button for the manual to open in your browser and you'll be provided the PDF file as well. - Possibly in Tilly's Rose Garden's case I'll do both, I'm not totally sure but that sounds like a good compromise.

2. No Re-releasing old games. - [Current Status]

As of now I'm not going to "debug" old games, they are what they are.
My reason for that is that each game marks my progress as a game creator, and the bugs show how I was at that point of my learned capability. - I might in the future but right now I can say for sure that I am not. - I know for sure demos are not going to be debugged. The simple reason why they get full discrimination is because they are in fact demos, they're not supposed to be as perfect as a completed game. I of course polish the best I know how but overall there will not be the same perfection that a full game will have, new knowledge and better work flow will change everything.

3. Not staying in a box for how games are played - [Change]

This is more or less applied to Tilly's Rose Garden, since this has had the most attention overall from me. The simple fact is, every version has been pretty similar in nature. The version I'm working on right now will not be this way, there will be at the very least some foundational differences. The general gameplay will be the same, but there will be some very different approaches.

The main change for Tilly's Rose Garden I'll talk about in this post (New post about the new changes coming VERY soon!) is you will not live for all of infinity and be able to pick up infinite points by picking everything up and dying to get more points, that option will be gone. It will be more strict than the other versions of the game. This is a very big step but I think it will up the challenge and make the game more fun than just a you can't lose and will gain if you do lose.

4.  Sequels - [Just Yes!]

I am going to be a person who makes sequels to games. I know right now that I will be making soon a sequel to Fluffertini's Pizza Constructor! It will have the same general gameplay but will have mor
e options, less buggy drag and drop and be faster.

5. New Frame Rate - [Change]

Before Blox every game has been 30fps, but Blox has broken another barrier and is 60fps speed. This is a change that I will keep, because all my games will have smoother gameplay and be more enjoyable to play. This will mean I have to do more math than I previously wanted but hey, math is healthy for the brain anyway!


I hope this has been interesting!

Thank you for reading and please don't forget to +1 on Google and check out my latest game release!

~ God Bless ~

~ Firefly

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